sábado, 13 de febrero de 2010

First day on Blogger

Ok, first post on my blog ...

For some years now I’ve been a follower of Jodeina, “Cronicas de una Jodona” and Manny, “Memorias de un Cabrón Confundido”, so I thought the same way they bring their knowledge and experience to the rest of humanity, one day I would also do so.

After a phone conversation with my current romantic partner, I realized she was right in her argument. All these years I spent more time thinking about what “I am” and not on “who I am”. I was wasting valuable energy concentrating on what I have "in my hands" and those things that I still "need" instead of doing and expressing myself with the tools I already have ... After giving her the point and think about it for two consecutive weeks, I reached these conclusions:

It turns out that after a long sequence of failures from my unresolved existential issues list, I concluded that I'm fucked beyond any remedy. The only way to be happy is to accept myself with this "situation" and look at myself beyond “what I am”, and spend more time dealing with the “who I am”
Some time before I spent my time torturing my mind, trying to find ways for people to realize that I did a Bachelor Degree in Art, that my art is displayed in X or Y places, that I am a guitarist, bassist, singer and a “whole lot of what and how many " (mostly what is superficial in myself). I thought that kind of behavior somehow it would help me in my career as an artist and as a result get more contacts within the arts and get more “in business”. Getting money became my obsession and my attitude toward life changed.

Back in 1997 I used to be an artist, an enthusiastic of ideas, but in 2007 I was more a shadowed being and a compulsive worker. After I graduated from the Escuela de Artes Plásticas, I realized that a Bachelor Degree in Arts with Concentration in Sculpture is basically useless. It's like having a high school diploma. Realizing this problem, I thought that maybe I had to study a Master Degree to see if I could teach art at a University. Perhaps make art and sell in galleries as a side job and work a part time. But getting a job and the money to study consumed so much of my time ...

None of those things that troubled me from 2002-2009 is significant in my life now; The College degree, which did not help at all to earn more money, neither my status within the arts, which has not contributed anything to my personal and spiritual growth. There’s only the option of studying myself, go back to my notebooks, pictures and memories. Just to find out at which point I turned away from my purpose and then devise a way to return to that way of learning and growing that I was chasing with so much eagerness in the late twentieth century.

So the question would be who I am?

There’s a wide answer, but essentially I'm an artist and a fervent student of applied mechanical engineering and sound. Hence I do artworks in sculpture and know how to use, build and repair stringed instruments.

I’ve been an Artist and musician from birth, in constant contact with the spiritual world. A student of the mysteries of God in its many religions and analyst of human behavior within and outside the rules defined by the church and state ...

Returning to the subject of the workshop whose works I will post on this blog.

In my mind I needed a workshop for art and to get it I needed money. Since I wanted it quick, I asked for a loan with the signature of my mother. I pay off that loan quite well and made another one of a higher amount. A depression and 4 years later, 3 credit cards and a debt that could only be hold by two jobs ...

My idea of a workshop was to put it at the service of art, but after getting in debt to set up a workshop with the necessary tools for that purpose, I realized that there was no way of paying this debt and making art at the same time, that was not “having a life”. Either I worked on anything that could give me a lot of money in little time or I would loose my credit. In January the inevitable happened, I lost my job (which was a sovereign piece of shit but it gave me enough to survive) and now the Bank calls me almost every day to remind me that I owe "the cow, rope and the stake”.

For me there is no way to repair the damage, so I decided to try to get some money out of my art workshop putting it at the service of others. That way you could say "this investment getting paid by itself." I keep making art, but now I also build and repair guitars and string instruments.

Each of my projects will appear on this blog for the benefit of those who need to learn and those who need me to do their repair work.
And here he is, the same workshop that I got back in 2002-2005 now is now operating in Puerto Nuevo and online!

You can write to my e-mail if you need my services. hiperverso@gmail.com

Very soon I will be posting some of the projects I'm doing.

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